E.O.'s are the natural volatile, aromatic compounds, created by plants that give them their protective properties. These many properties help to protect plants from: temperature extremes, like sun damage or cold, they attract pollinators, heal the plants from damage, repel insects, assist in periods of low nutrients & guard against microbial attack.

These oils are stored in trichome structures, or are secreted onto the surface or cavities within the plant. E.O.'s are extracted through cold pressing or steam distillation. E.O.'s are found and extracted from: barks & wood, fruits & berries, flowers, leaves, peels, resins, roots & seeds. Extraction makes these botanical properties potent & concentrated natural supporting beauties.

E.O.'s have been used for 1000's of years, & thankfully today, they are being studied for their diverse range of affects on the mind, body & all other systems.



Introducing people to E.O.'s is more than jut smelling nice… My friend, give us 10 mins of your time so we can open your world to tapping into plant botanical magic to transform your health, wellbeing & environment with the purest essential oils on the planet.

Take the time to read through why we’ve decided to partner with dŌTERRA© (it means “gifts of the earth”) & why we recommend it to our community… If you are anything like us, we care about:

• Low toxic, natural solutions for health & wellbeing empowerment for individuals & families

• Provided by ethical, conscious based businesses

• Sustainable sourcing & social responsibility through conscious consumerism

• Philanthropic projects & humanitarian aid work

• The kind of independent third party testing free from the influence of big companies to ensure quality, purity & the efficacy of these E.O.’s. & so much more…

Below, we will walk you through how to start your low-tox E.O. lifestyle journey with us…


But first, understand what you are choosing to support yourself & your family with through your well placed dollars:



Whilst working with our team & functional healthcare practitioners along side our private health coaching clients over the years, one thing that was common to declining health & energy levels was the need to reducing toxic load. While health is multifaceted, there is no denying the negative accumulative effects of “modern living” on our health. 

When we walk our clients through managing their chronic issues, it’s always about “freeing up” the body’s systems, whilst nourishing through proper support. 

Because we specialise in the psychology of upgrading lifestyle habits (think mind body connection & mindset reprogramming), we know that change can be difficult. It’s possible to have the perfect plan, tailored to your needs & still fail. 

Using dōTERRA© Essential Oils is one of the tools we integrate into our lifestyle & recommend because it offers support beyond just supporting the physical body. These natural botanical extracts support us mentally, emotionally & energetically, (connecting us to the innate intelligence of natures life giving force) beyond & between the chemical bonds that enter our cells too. Here we are dealing with multidimensional botanical tools.


Here are just a few examples that have been backed by various studies...

Serenity® (Restful Blend), Lavender  Myrrh, Frankincense, Bergamot etc.: help to fight stress (bring down cortisol levels), inflammation, improve immunity & not to mentions, promotes restful sleep throughout the night.

Other combinations like Lavender, Frankincense, Peppermint etc.: can aid allergy relief & easier breathing.

Geranium, Clary Sage, Rose & Thyme etc.: can help to support estrogen & progesterone levels (the endocrine system etc. offering monthly support ladies.

Oregano, Ginger, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon etc.: supports boosting immunity & fighting infection because these botanical extracts have been found to contain properties for anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic & anti-fungal agents.

DigestZen®, Peppermint, Ginger, Fennel, Back Pepper, Lemongrass, Caraway,Tarragon etc.: to ease & aid digestion from indigestion, IBS relief, upset stomach to stimulating digestive enzymes.

Ylang Ylang, Wild Orange, Roman Chamomile, Vetiver etc.: calm the emotions & reduces stress, whilst inducing relaxation & feelings of upliftment (there are studies showing aromatherapy aiding depression in postpartum women).

DeepBlue, Eucalyptus, Turmeric  Wintergreen, Blue Tansy along with other oils mentioned: offer aches, pain & joint relief for growing toddlers, for sport enthusiasts & even to support the elderly.

Rosemary, Helichrysum, Ylang Ylang: along with at least 90 essential oils (according to a review published in Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine) were identified as being recommended for dermatological use... as well as there being many studies on E.O.’s for healthy hair growth. (I don't know about you, but supporting our kids in this department naturally is top priority).

Slim & Sassy® Blend, Lemon, Grapefruit, Orange, Cilantro, Tea Tree, Oregano, Clove, Cinnamon etc: Reduce toxicity & promote detoxification support for your body, whilst using it in your environment as non-toxic cleaning products that assist in killing harmful pathogens, microbes, fungi & pollutants.


Other than oils, there are options to reduce your toxic load in your household cleaning & self-care products that are also friendly to the environment:


Starting from pre-preggie wellbeing to preggy moms, babies, through to toddlers, "tweens", teens, healthy adulthood, adulthood transitions & old age... it's never been more important than it is now to up-level to low-toxic, natural solutions for preventative & nourishing efforts... (did we mention pets too?)

OnGuard® Hand Wash, household cleaning agentlaundry detergent… all safe low-toxic, enviro friendly products that are supportive to your immunity building efforts…

Correct-X®: "a multi-purpose, natural ointment that helps soothe skin & enhance the natural process of skin returning to a healthy state after being distressed".

dōTERRA OnGuard® natural whitening toothpaste (click to view):  natural & fluoride-free.

Natural deodorant: Aluminum, paraben, phthalate & talc free.

Skin, hair & other personal care: there is a whole dynamic range to explore (or learn how to make your own from your E.O’s. It's so fun).

It’s easy to see how nature offers us exactly what we need… & we are here to guide you along getting to know these natural solutions if you are in for an up level in the most empowering way possible.


What you'll be choosing to support reason #2...



dōTERRA sources over 100 E.O.’s from more than 40 nations.
These efforts ensure that we, as deliberate, conscious consumers receive extracts that are of the highest quality that offer the therapeutic efficacy promised. Plants etc. grown in their indigenous regions or the best conditions that these plants can thrive under, yield the best chemical profiles to support us, along with best sustainable farming practices.

Source to You®:

These oils are free from pesticides, herbicides, fillers, synthetic substances & other harmful contaminants that often shockingly fill commercial shelves on the market & even health stores world wide. Don't waste your money buying that. Purity & potency absolutely matter for their therapeutic affects & you can regard dōTERRA as beyond "organic" with their gold standard Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® oils.

You can check out dōTERRA©’s transparent commitment to science & testing by visiting their sister website & view reports on every batch they make.
Follow the path from the developing communities that grow, pick, distill the plants, to the science & lab testing that gets done, their collaboration with world renowned medical facilities, health initiatives & university partnerships… of course, you can also read more about how all this benefits you & your family as a result too.



Yes, there are even more reasons why every drop you use supports...



The most popular way to get started (& the kit we recommend) is the "Natural Solutions Kit". (It's called "Nature's Solution Kit in NZ & AUZ). Of course this is optional, the second most poplar kit to enroll with is the "Family's Essential Kit" or "Home Essentials Kit".

The "Natural Solutions Kit"  kit is both useful if you are wanting to make a radical low-tox lifestyle overhaul for you & your family at home as a wholesale customer. (It's also a great business starter kit option for those interested in doing the business side).


Currently the following countries are supported: 


Check your region for which enrollment kits are available to you in your country: 

Australia, Canada, Central America-Other, Europe, French Polynesia, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan & the USA.
(Other countries are able to order, but require a US address which can then forward you your oils.)

Australia / Canada / Europe / Hong Kong / Japan / New Zealand / United States


Then when you are ready to purchase, follow the rest of the steps bellow to place your order online.


Pssst, here's what else you'll receive once you're all signed up with US...



We're here to empower you in your health & wellbeing lifestyle pursuits. By signing up as our wholesale customers, you'll receive the following support and benefits:



25% off retail pricing (same as us)

• Loyalty Reward Points: Option to receive 10–30% of orders back in points redeemable for free product

• Shipping Reward Points: Option to receive the cost of your shipping back in points redeemable for free product

• Free Product: Place a monthly order over 125 PV (Point Volume) & receive the free product of the month


• Your welcome email & PDF on how to get started safely (we'll get you confident in no time).

• 150 Uses for how to use your oils PDF booklet.

• A 30 min online Wellness & Lifestyle Consult with either one of us, so we can make sure you have the direction you need & how to get the most out of your membership.

• Update emails about how we use the oils, what’s happening in our community & relevant shared customer experiences.

• Access to our FB support Group "Intuitive Wellbeing for Women" , where you’ll have access to our leaders in our community, recipe shares, definitely free educational product trainings & other shared resources.

• ** (Only for people who decide to do the business: will receive business mentoring to launch, covering skillset, mindset, how to become a leader & duplicate with confidence & their authentic gifts - really, anyone can do it if they want it... We help our team members get the next level abundance they want along with a business they love.

To View the biz option, please visit our "Tribe Cauldron & Co" page)


Please note: that if you already have a dōTERRA account, you won’t be able to open one with us or have a duplicate account under a spouses name. If you are brand new, lets get your enrollment kit sorted & your parcel on it’s way to your doorstep.


Follow the step-by-step instructions to set up your online wholesale customer account at no extra cost NEXT.



We recommend the starting with the "Natural Solutions Kit". 

Other options could be:
• the Family's Home Essential Kit
• or the Home Essential Kit

(If you have previously opened a dōTERRA account, even if it is now closed, please email [email protected] & let us know before enrolling.)

1) Follow the link if  you’re here because of Madelain Burgoyne: http://www.mydoterra.com/madelainburgoyne
Follow Lauretta's link if you were sent here to sign up by her:

2) Click “Join and Save”.

3) Choose the Country & Language that’s appropriate for you.

4) Choose “Wholesale Customer”
(Please DO NOT enroll as a Wellness Advocate - this is very important. If you ever want to upgrade to a Wellness Advocate because you would love to do the business, you can at a later stage, but we ask that we FIRST have a conversation about it. This ensures that we can support you on your journey to building a business. To enroll as a Wellness Advocate, apply here (LINK). Please only enroll as a Wholesale Customer for now.)

5) Enter all you relevant personal information.
(No need to include your TAX info if you are not intending to share the oils as a business.)

6) At “Enroller ID” enter Madelain’s number if she’s the one who enrolled you: 6561002
Enter Lauretta’s number if she has enrolled you: (number)

7) Click “Verify”. This will give you access to our mentoring programs.

8) Choose a password for yourself. 

9) Click over to the next page...

10) Select what kit you've chosen from STEP 1). (Purchasing a kit waives this enrollment fee.)

If you just want to start with a couple of oils instead of a kit, start typing the name of the oil in the box & it will appear for you to select it. We highly recommend that you add a bottle of Fractionated Coconut Oil to your order if it doesn't come in your kit or if you are selecting single products. FCO is a carrier oil that you'll dilute your E.O.s with. Be sure to select the $35 introductory packet if you're not enrolling with a kit too. Purchasing a kit waives this enrollment fee.

11) Enter your Credit Card details and "process" your order.

12) Once your payment is all done & dusted, you’ll be asked whether you want to set up your Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP) order. This is voluntary, (however, if you’re looking at exploring the business opportunity, a monthly order is essential so you can get paid commissions). If you’re simply interested in being a wholesale customer, you’ll love the LRP for the free product incentives!

13) Tip: If you enrolled with the Essential Collection or the Home Essentials Kit, we suggest adding the Mood Management oils to your LRP order for the following month. If you enrolled with the Natures Solutions Kit you may want to put the Emotional Aromatherapy Kit in your LRP order  for the next month.
For ladies, add a bottle of Geranium and roller bottle of Clary Calm = magic for supporting hormones.

If you decide to go ahead & set the LRP up, select a date, preferably before the 7th of next month & you’ll receive a FREE oil from doTERRA if your order reaches 125PV or more. To finalize your LRP, select your oils, & enter your payment details one more time. Please note: your credit card will NOT be processed until the date you’ve selected for shipping & you can update & change your LRP order at any time if you change your mind.)

That's it... 

We’ll be in touch to officially welcome you & to set up your E.O. Lifestyle consult. This will get you orientated around your oils & we can have fun exploring your long term vision for you.
If you don’t hear back within 1 biz day, send us an email: [email protected] or [email protected] to sort you out.

Welcome to the tribe!
We'll get you started on your mentoring journey ASAP. 

If you don’t hear back within 1 biz day, send us an email [email protected] or [email protected] to sort you out.

Click on the "I AM ALL DONE SIGNING UP" button bellow STEP 5) to activate receiving your welcome pack email.

Inside the email we will share:

  • the link to our private Facebook Community Group "intuitive Wellbeing for Women" along with
  • the link to set up your free 30 min Wellbeing & Lifestyle Session.
  • your PDF guides for a safe start...
  • Where to source your handbook companion guides, other resources, accessories & all the things you like!

Our private Facebook Group is the best place to learn, share & receive education on the oils with us , as well as other related health & wellbeing topics we speak about here on our website.

Are you in on this journey to reconnect to Soul, opening your Heart, reprogramming the MindEmbodying your best life?

Then here's to community, conscious living & abundant health & wellbeing for us all.

See you on the inside!

M & L

Once you are all done, click the button bellow, fill in your email details one more time to receive your welcome pack from us!





There is nothing more fun than getting together with your besties & having a good time. We offer a variety of Essential Oil workshop options, some of our most popular options are:

1) Lux Essential Oil Spoil Spa Night.
2) "Blend Your Own Oils" Workshop.
3) Essential Oils & Mindfulness Workshops.
4) Yoga & Essential Oils Workshops

Live workshops are currently available in:
The UK - Surry & surroundings.
RSA - Cape Town & surroundings.

Other educational workshops & programs are offered globally online for now unless we announce tours.

We are happy to workshop personal get-togethers as well as tailor make Corporate Wellness Days!

Please enquire using the form below:


50% Complete

Let's Get Started...

Now that you are all signed up... Let's set you up with a 30 min Wellbeing & Lifestyle info session so we can start you up with two very well oiled up feet ;D . You're PDF goodies & community link to join our Private FB Group will be there too...