"The world will be saved by the western women." ~ 14th Dalai Lama

We don't necessarily believe that it will be only the western women who call for change in this world... However we do believe that as western women (& of course men), we do have a responsibility of shaking off the the veil of societal, cultural & generational struggle by "going" first, by claiming our place in creating change on purpose, with our gifts, our autonomy & sovereignty... then to share that empowerment with everyone we can as we go...

Welcome to Tribe Cauldron & Co.

Tribe Cauldron & Co, is our “play” on the awakening of the inner resourceful magic we as purposeful women possess, joined with a culture grounded in conscious business & sharing an abundant businesses model that uses the vehicle of the “gifts of the earth" to create a ripple effect over:

• Our own personal development & spiritual growth.

• Our bodies innate ability  to recognise these natural botanicals beauties that chemically & vibrationally communicate the message of holistic healing, inevitably increasing a state of wellbeing for us & our families.

• Our financial freedom (a thriving lifestyle that is debt free & generous).

• Global generosity with the opportunity to keep giving through philanthropic projects, because one simply has both the resources & opportunities to do so.

• Access to having a growing global support network of women (& men) who have the same value for collaborative leadership at your side… Women who really, truly, are dedicated to advocating for your success, wellbeing & who want to see you thrive.


If you’re interested in a culture of collaborative leadership as an entrepreneur… where we all rise up, expand into the best versions of ourselves to live in our bliss & spread the love of healing, empowerment, conscious consumerism, giving back, making our dreams, aspirations & that of our families a reality… keep reading.




This is your invitation (wherever you are in the world) to take a seat at the table of Team Cauldron & Co. We imbue our business with everything we are as women, as mothers, sisters, healers, creatives (& not to mention bad ass business babes)… 

We get to drop into a lifestyle that has mind, body & spiritual wellbeing at its core with financial abundance as a by product of being the vehicles through sharing the oily magic of these Essential Oils with our communities. 

Trust us when we say… you don’t have to pretend & just “sell” a product you don’t care about because you just want the abundance. That never works… There is no doubt that every single person who decided to do the business, does it because they have been enchanted, captivated & transformed by these multi-dimensional healing oily tools & natural solutions. Falling in love with these pure & potent botanicals, is as a natural phenomena of getting to know & being empowered as a direct experiential result… the effect they have on you can be instant (they certainly were on us). 

The opportunity to join our team is open to any woman who deeply desires to make the change in health, wellbeing, lifestyle freedom & getting handsomely paid for it… It's also perfect for wellness professionals who want to include Essential Oils in their businesses.

It’s also perfect for personal trainers, health coaches, lifestyle bloggers, conscious consumers, therapists & health practitioners of all types… as well as the stay at home parents looking for the best natural solutions options for their families, to global nomads & the rising millennial gens, who care about the social impact they make & the freedom based lifestyles they love… 

This is for anyone who wants to have a far reaching impact, owning an essential oils wellbeing business you can do (or take) anywhere with you.

Just in case you are wondering… you don’t have to be a health practitioner to do this business… This is about placing the power back into the hands of every person, household & community looking for more and more self-empowerment in lifestyle, wellbeing, health, time & financial freedom (wealth building is high on our value system & we love coaching around this). 


There are no special qualification requirements other than the unrelenting desire to embody your authentic expression, to collaborate with like minded sisters, to learn the ancient wisdom of natural solutions as you experience it & to dive into a business model based on sharing the love.


…Is to see more & more women free in their authentic spirit, mind, body & in their financial circumstances… so that we can live on our terms, doing what we care about… because we know that free women have a positive effect on those around them. Women naturally tend to elevate everyone in our path if the power is given to us to do so.

Want to know why this is so close to our hearts?
Read our story & message for you about our mission for thriving, empowered women on our About Page. 





1) Experience: It all starts by having an incredible essential oil product experience after you partner with dōTERRA & us as your team by placing an order for the purest grade essential oils you’ll ever find through us (or on our site). We’ll help you plan you own heath & wellbeing self-care rituals & hook you up to resources that allow you to become the expert.
These oils & living a low-toxic lifestyle will delight you in ways that words won’t be able to describe. (Not all oils smell amazing, but their pure transformational botanical “magic” is what matters… & they will teach you lessons you aren’t even aware of yet).

2) Share: Next, as these oils become part of your every day self-care rituals, & you start seeing the compounding, tangible results in all aspects of your & your families life, you’ll want to start sharing them pretty quickly. 

This is the business of gift giving in every sense of the word. We share classes, whip up lotions, potions & natural remedies/recipes for our friends, neighbors, colleagues & community at large, offering relief, clarity, joy, love & reconnection to an integrated sense of wellbeing. (Our personal favorite is teaching “Make & Take” workshops… Yeay!)

Pretty soon these oils start replacing toxic medicine cabinets, hormone disrupting face-creams & perfumes, self care products & other household chemicals robbing our friends & families of their energy, vitality & health. 

3) Build Your Team: We, as your starting biz mentors, get to plug you into a global network, co-mentoring you into launch, growth & showing you how to duplicate what we’re creating for yourself & as a result, you naturally grow into a mentor yourself… We in the business of empowering women to empower other women (& of course men too).


You’re business model will consist of providing weekly trainings & mentoring/teaching other people just like you. You'll be able to apply your skills, gifts & personality to this network marketing business collaboration. And we are exactly that, a network of teachers, healers, light workers, Mammas & trail blazers, educating & empowering others looking for solutions to their wellbeing desires as customers...

Some people will want to upgrade their health & lifestyle habits as conscious consumers & Wholesale Customers, while others will open to the same vision we hold & want to build businesses by linking arms with you as your team members, share & receive the abundance these oils have to offer too. We are all business partners, sharing our gifts & talents in supporting each other to thrive & grow.


It’s all duplicatable & collaborative in nature. It is our centre. This business culture has no separatist or competitive vibes… because it’s not a cut-throat-scarcity business model where one person wins at the top… It’s the direct opposite & why we chose it in the first place.




We’re excited to share just how generous the compensation plan is… When our friend showed us how she benefited & what was possible with the business, we had to do a double take… we almost got whip-lash… (even for ambitious women like us)! There is nothing like blessing the lives of the women around us like this… Especially women who have been trying to make ends meet, keep their sanity & lives together from being in constant survival mode.


This is just one reason we got into building an Essential Oils business (as one of our portals for creating residual income) through dōTERRA… The rising of teams of thriving women rock our world!


*This graphic is based on the 2013 Income Earnings Statement. To view the full statement, please go to doterra.com



Let’s get real with our motivations for one hot minute… It’s no mistakes that we have chosen career pathways in human behaviour, coaching psychology, health, wellbeing to facilitate life transformation (especially as siblings)… It's simple, we both needed to understand how to transform our own lives, & we have always shared whatever we learnt with others looking for their answers too.
We both had pushing (painful) & pulling (inspiring) motivations for creating a life we love… maybe you recognise some of these experiences yourself or in some of the people you love too...

There were motivations that PUSHED us for change:

• Finding ourselves in situations we wouldn’t be in if we had the means & sense of choice.

• Staying too long in toxic relationships because we felt like we needed to survive or escape as the only available option.

• Working jobs that underpaid, exploited & demanded a culture of overtime, took advantage of our feminine status & sense of self worth, just to try & make ends meet when cost of living is too high.

• Seeing women turn on each other in work & social situations because “normal business culture” has an underlying social & cultural dynamic of comparison, scarcity & competitiveness... leaving us with a feeling of "not good or worthy enough-ness".

• Saying no to our kids when they want something & seeing the look of guilt on their faces for even asking (there’s nothing like the feeling of knowing we are passing on the torch of scarcity in the minds of our children, that if not changed, will perpetuate the same struggle reality for them one day… (arhg, the thought makes me sick).

• Not being able to afford medical aid as a single mother (even when not single) so you can go get your deteriorating teeth seen to by a dentist.

• Praying that nothing unexpected hits you in a month, so that your budget works out… (because this the opposite has happened more than once & you can’t get ahead of the financial devastation).

• Feeling the chronic fatigue set in as a result of feeling worn down, overextended, only being able to afford cheap processed food & the constant stress of financial bills pilling high… This is the reality of masses & masses of people, some more than others. This is where we are culturally forced to treat health & mental wellbeing as an after thought & it’s a slippery slop as depression, low energy & anxiety reign supreme.

• We’ve worked three jobs as well as no jobs. 

• We’ve invited ourselves to the dinner tables of friends who fed us in times of need.

• We’ve felt the nag of being sick & tired of a deepening low sense of self-worth because we felt powerless to do anything about it…. We’ve also watched this happen in the women we love in our family & friend circles.

• & believe us, we’ve been on the floor at our lowest & raged outwardly like atomic bombs burning anything near the nuclear fall-out that erupts as a result… 

You get the point... 


We’ve been there, our mothers, aunts, grandmothers & children experience this… & then there is that inner PULL for change:

• Like desiring to sharpen our gifts & make a living sharing them, whilst being the example to our kids that they can do the same because they have a rock solid self belief to back it.

• Like contributing to a cause greater than our need for survival whilst dancing between the energies of total surrender, inspiration & creation… because this is what the creation process is about & what feeds our SOULs.

• To belong to a tribe of women who truly want to celebrate & advocate for each other, collaborate & return to the true nature of sisterhood in both social situations & business opportunities.

• To distribute love to those needing their answers & offering a space for transformation. To give joy … generously, endlessly…Simply because we feel like it & because we can.

• To see healing beauty in all things, especially for the hard things that shaped us.

• To master our mental, emotional & physical lives through a keen, integrated intuition, sense of wellbeing & vital health we are 100% in control, being free of all forms of coping addictions.

• To laugh at the game of life… Because self mastery has been obtained, & the confidence to know that if we do it once, we can do it any time, any place we choose.

• To have the level of self worth & deservingness that we become more powerfully magnetic to play with the energy of the Universe, attracting the right people, at the right time by being in the right places synchronously… because we are so soulfully aligned & grounded in our own power… 

• To live in the DOMINANT state of bliss, flow, self worth in our uniqueness & autonomy. To know what it’s like to be POWERFULLY grounded in our sense of selves… our true feminine nature & to know how deeply influential & healing that is over those who enter our sphere of influence.

• & because this light power is so contagious… we get to share it all over the globe, with anyone who wants to unleash the same. To always live in our magic where the after affect is a legacy… instead of a painful generational void.


Frankly, we are tired of seeing women under the pinch of financial stress, survival & suffering as though it's an acceptable default setting. Although financial abundance can’t guarantee our happiness, it can free us as creators & from making choices based purely off the need to survive instead of being free to choose, to feel worthy & deserving of what we really want & love. 

When life throws a curve ball, being financially stable offers a lot of relief… & beyond that, the means to be generous, aiding our partners, families & communities. How far you want your legacy to go has no limit here...
Abundance is spiritual AF & the power of abundance only takes on the forms & intentions of the person who’s wielding it… We want to align with light-workers, who’s work sets their soul-driven purpose to life & who also desires to set others free in Mind, Body & financial wellbeing!



If you're still reading... Let us hold a container for you to feel into the heart of your deepest desires... because this is who we are "calling in"...

We’re looking to align ourselves with women who:


• Love these oils on a soul-level… cause that’s how deep they penetrate.

• Are on a mission to up-leveling their health, wellbeing, lifestyle & personal development game even more with a tribe of collaborative sisters. (Business & personal development are inseparable here… every level of growth will absolutely require a matching growth mindset to go along with every stage of advancement. We're in this together).

• Have the unfolding willingness to learn new skills, deepen your understanding of E.O.s & you are also, ready to leap into action as a new business babe. You’re ready to expand out of old comfort zones into new ones your soul’s been calling your expansion into.

• You must have that fire for caring deeply; you want to see women rise, you want to celebrate them & yourself, you want to empower those who are looking for the gifts of wellbeing & freedom we have to share… & most of all, you want to create a business that lifts up everyone along the entire chain of supply! This is the conscious business model we love.

• You are focused on possibilities, even in the face of being aware of your perceived (& temporary) limitations… your optimism & rapidly growing faith in yourself is committed to breaking through every limitation, glass ceiling cap, challenges & turning them into fuel for opportunities.

• You’re not afraid of people saying “no”. It’s okay if they do & you know there will be many more who are waiting for you to enter their life as they give you a “fuck yes”.

• You have a SOUL-itch to share your unique gifts & contribute to the ecosystem of our collaboratively growing tribe. (Even if it's the ability for deep listening, whatever it be, you are already worthy & capable...)

• You want to build a 6 - 7 figure business  (or an additional stream of residual income) & your’e not ashamed to own that desire because you know that physical abundance is spiritual AF when good hands & hearts wield financial abundance.

• Have high standards & integrity for showing up in your business, for your sisters, for those who need your purpose driven talents, for those you love & most of all… for yourself (especially for yourself!!!).


We are also aware that there will be those who don't align with us... That's perfectly okay too... We are however, super clear on the partners we are calling in, who want to rise & bring their energy to creating the rapid growth they are hungry & have been waiting for.

This opportunity is not for those who:

• Already have an active dōTERRA account with someone else. We do not poach other’s team members recruits.

• Are only wanting to join for the free coaching/mentoring experience & never find a convenient moment to get started. We mentor the women who are itching to transform their lives & who are passionate about facilitating transformation for others or learning how to do that because they know they can make a difference. We mentor authentic women into community leaders who are serious about this purpose driven business.

• Cling to a comparison & scarcity mindset. We celebrate others success openly… & we promise that you will see your sisters succeeding. We are deliberate about celebration because we see ourselves in them & “a rising tide lifts all”. If you see it in others, it's a reflection of what you inwardly posses & can achieve.

• Cling to victimhood over claiming one’s divine birthright as a conscious co-creator of life. We are co-creating a new story, where the past no longer dictates or can hold our identity in past struggles, dynamics, patterns & habits. It’s not possible to do this business & keep old stories of disempowerment at the same time… Instead, here we practice leaning all the way into claiming our power & owning the responsibility of our destinies as wielders of transformation.  We go first to show others the way (of course, we as your business partners show up in this way too… sometimes with no make-up on).

• Aren’t willing to up level their own self-love & self-care lifestyle habits & rituals. It’s also impossible to do this business & not experience a better quality of health & wellbeing… not if one is truly embodying this magic. We are the expansion of wellbeing that others will see & experience through us. Don’t mistake this for perfection, that does not exist, nore do we prescribe to that… (Ah, we can breathe!)

• Are not willing to bring your talents to benefit our collaborative team. Collaborative leadership is about creating something special. We are all born with gifts that fill in a place at the table of a thriving community… Be prepared to be part of a conscious business ecosystem.




We're here to empower you in the spirit of collaboration, sisterhood, wellbeing & life transformation. By signing up as a Wellness Advocate partner, you'll receive the following support & benefits:



25% off retail pricing (same as us)

• Loyalty Reward Points: Option to receive 10–30% of orders back in points redeemable for free product

• Shipping Reward Points: Option to receive the cost of your shipping back in points redeemable for free product

• Free Product: Place a monthly order over 125 PV (Point Volume) & receive the free product of the month

• Bonuses & Compensation: that you can go as far as you like with.


1. We help plan your launch journey.

2. You’re automatically plugged right into a culture of personal development (comes with the business model, not to mentions we’ve been doing this for ever).

3. We plug you into an 8 week launching success program that gets you ranking & earning in a matter of 2 months (you do only get out of it what you put into it… & we are there all the way, learning & growing alongside you too).

4. Every person you recruit to your dōTERRA family, will also get access to this training system so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel (as will people they recruit & so on).

5. Trainings that show you how to teach classes, share the oils, along with resources covering everything you need.

6. Monthly Online Group Masterminds - together as a team online, focusing on creating your lifestyle business.

7. Continual Online E.O. Empowerment Sessions every 2 weeks, to help you & your team to get to know the oils.

8. Membership to our exclusive Cauldron and Co Facebook groups…. & so much more.

9. Of course… we make friends for life here & many other things that will continue to surprise & delight us all as we grow.

We are committed to helping you co-create a 7 figure business by plugging you into a proven systems that is designed to launch you from novice to wellness lifestyle business leader & mentor yourself.

** (Only for people who decide to do the business: will receive business mentoring to launch, covering skillset, mindset, how to become a leader & duplicate with confidence & their authentic gifts - really, anyone can do it if they want it... We help our team members get the next level abundance they want along with a business they love.)


Are you in? 



If joining our vision & team culture is a Soulful “YES… THIS”, here are the steps to follow so we can get together over a virtual meet up (with coffee haha) on Zoom & start you off on the best way.

If you are here because Madelain, book your business chat by emailing: [email protected]

If you are here because of Lauretta, email: [email protected]

We will set up a time to chat over Zoom together & talk you through the nature of the business, answer any questions & all it involves to get your wellness business up and running.


Go to the enrollment page, scroll down to where it says: "GET STARTED WITH OUR RECOMMENDED "NATURAL SOLUTIONS KIT"

 ...& follow the instructions for choosing your Enrollment Kit, & that will set up your online dōTERRA Wholesale Account.

Here is the link to enroll… follow the step-by-step instructions: https://intuitivewellbeing.mykajabi.com/get-started-EO

(sign up as a WHOLESALE CUSTOMER only for now please)… we’ll upgrade your after we have our business strategy call together, planning your launch.

Then when you are done, come back to this page and continue with STEP 3 below.

If you run into any trouble signing up, let us know.

(We'll also able to set you up with your own kit online together during our Zoom chat. It's likely we'll set you up as a Wholesale Customer 1st so you can have the chance to experience the magic & wellbeing benefits through experience): 

[email protected]

[email protected]

Fill out the application contact form  below in preparation for our call that you booked in STEP 1.

We will be in contact as soon as we get notification of your booking. (If we do not confirm your booking within 1 working day, please send an email to your enroller, even if its just to celebrate your excitement for taking leap into joining team & declaring your dreams - woop woop!):

[email protected]

[email protected]







Now that all the steps above are complete, this is the last step in preparation for our biz planning call together.


On our Zoom call together, we'll be exploring your vision, our collaboration & how to best support you on your E.O. wellness business journey:

• What would the best part of having your own essential oil wellness business be.

• What's makes you curious about partnering up with "Team Cauldron & Co" & dōTERRA?

• What your financial goals are, the basics of the earning & what the minimal start-up costs could be.

• Then based off that, we'll get you all plugged into what you need to get started.




Thank you!


We are delighted your want to reach out & team up with us for this amazing opportunity. This way of life is the truest expression & vehicle for how we wan’t to live & how the quality of life can improve for all women who desire the same. 

We’re excited to talk to you & see if this collaborative business partnership is what your soul has been searching for too.


Love, Madelain & Lauretta


50% Complete

Let's Get Started...

Now that you are all signed up... Let's set you up with a 30 min Wellbeing & Lifestyle info session so we can start you up with two very well oiled up feet ;D . You're PDF goodies & community link to join our Private FB Group will be there too...