Hey, it's Madelain Burgoyne (right) and Lauretta Cundy (left) here. We are two siblings, separated by two continents, who have each experienced different paths, only to find ourselves on the same page years later. We are the creators and owners of our international wellbeing coaching practice “Mad About My Life” & our core coaching online programs & offerings here on: “Intuitive Wellbeing for Women”.

Together we share a passion in helping others live a more optimized lifestyle than before, both inwardly & outwardly in living abundantly in all areas of life. Trough our differences, similarities in our experience, intuitive gifts & training, our team can use interdisciplinary approaches & tailored tools to help others pursue a life they are mad-crazy inspired by. Read more about our journey here...

We believe that every women on a mission, intuitively knows that unhindered health, wellbeing and vitality dances in unison with our thriving and purposeful endeavours; as nurturers, partners, sisters, creators, trail blazers, business women, mothers, some of the above or all of the above!


As busy busy mothers, business owners, partners to our spouses, mentors, coaches and visionary women who love to contribute to those we work with, we know how vitally important it is to have a solid foundation in health and wellbeing. Like most women today, we too have had our fair share of struggles when it comes to keeping it together.

We've done battle with our bodies, our body image, our confidence, our eating habits (be it emotional, stress, boredom, binging, purging, food addiction etc.). We've done battle with our mental and emotional wellbeing and all round sense of self worth... All the things that ate up our emotional bandwidth, deepened our anxiety, fatigued our bodies and plunged us into our darkest nights of the soul. All of which informed our behavioural patterns, impacted our relationships with those closest to us for the worst, keeping us stuck in cycles of poor health and lifestyles habits that we had running on autopilot.

In fact, we watched the women in our family (each other as three sisters, our mother, our aunts and other role models... our friends, their sisters and mothers, everyone around us) try keeping it together and struggle.

The collective struggle (and desires) we found we all shared, is with what it means to be a woman. Where to fit in, how to fit in, how to release and realise our desires, dreams and potential laying dormant (making us itch from within). How to reclaim that true sense of innate beauty instead of the outside validation of comparison, approval or perfectionism... How to live more authentically, aligning with our own unique values, gifts and innate sense of self-worth. And how to live life well, resourcefully, creatively, on our own terms, no matter the circumstances.

On our search for the answers to breaking through our own struggles, our generational beliefs and patterns that impacted almost every area of our lives, we realized just how connected our health and wellbeing outcomes, were tied to the way we thought and perceived ourselves in each area of life that manifested in our worlds. And how this was true for the women around us too...

We realized just how directly this affected the decisions we made, which in turn, dictated the unconscious actions we took, the outcomes we created or stayed in, and thus, level of control we believed we had over our lives. And so, our once established patterns and ways of existing become obvious, where little awareness around how it was all connected, or how to create change had existed before.

...And this is where we came face-to-face with the true form of a woman's personal power, that has everything to do with cultivating a deep sense of, self-acceptance, appreciation, self-love, grace, knowing, trusting, allowing, influencing and what we chose to believe mindfully - Balanced Intuition.

It is no mistake that we both have walked the paths we've walked, overcome the challenges we've faced, pursued the studies we have, to be and create what we have created, worked with the people we've worked with, and become women with purpose, driven by an inner mission to fulfill. We now go about creating intentional change and transformation at will, now that we know how... Like it's a joyful game! 

We are women. We are our own legacies. We are the legacy to the women who came before us. We are the legacy to our loved ones and children after us. Our legacy is to serve all purpose driven women out of the hustle of surviving with less than stellar outcomes... into creating more intuitive thriving with the kind of purpose, love, health, influence & wealth in mind, body and soul to share & sustain living well!

That's what we want for all women who are willing to settle for no less than that - Now it's your turn!

When we go about creating change, we work from the inside out, unifying the heart, head, body and soul. What follows is deliberate and inspired action, that translates into creating and living a lifestyle you are Mad, Crazy, and Inspired by... And, with a vital mind and body to support your focus, your dreams and your legacy, which ultimately, creates an intentional ripple effect, benefiting those around you!

Today, our own lives we lead as women, are deliberately filled up with being surrounded by the things we love.

We know that women are the most powerful creatures on the planet when they CHOOSE to fully integrate their feminine flow, drop the struggle as a way of identifying themselves and rise to claim their innate gifts and birthright to thrive on their own terms. Women have an incredible influence because of the ripple effects they create, directly or indirectly on those around them.

It's a great time to be alive as a women. More than ever, we are asking the right questions around what really matters in a world filled with distraction and noise. We're stepping back for a moment to regroup, refocus and to get back in touch with ourselves. We are allowing ourselves to feel better than before, taking on new approaches, shifting old patterns and ways of being, creating more impactful, meaningful and more fulfilling lives. Creating better lives at home, in health, in business, in our relationships, in our community if we are not soulfully satisfied. That goes for any endeavor in any area of life we put our minds and hearts to... 

However, to blossom into that way of being, and step into that higher vision and version of ourselves, we have to be supported. Success is rarely created alone. Then we pay it forward and nurture other women too. This is the cycle of womanhood for eons. It's a reliable source for thriving.

We uncompromisingly become intentional about surrounding ourselves with women who truly advocate for our growth, wellbeing, our health, quality of life, abundance and become part of a greater force in sisterhood.  This is a space that must remain untainted by competition, scarcity, fear or judgement that runs rampant in our culture today, perpetuating the suffering and disconnect around what it means to be a woman and how to intuitively flow.

So what do we do, when what we've been striving for and want, isn't our current reality?


We have created our own growing tribe of support, focused on overcoming and empowering each other in the areas of life we are passionate about mastering, whilst overcoming celebrating our daily wins and growth!

We're beyond greatful to be able to offer the work, support & a few options to work with clients and like minded women on a mission to create and manifest alongside us as we grow.

Every women who sets themselves apart for the kind of unapologetic life they deserve to have and live a fully expressed life, surrounds themselves with the right tribe of support. We crave a culture of authenticity, that is conducive to the development of meaningful outcomes for more effortless change, amazing health, wellbeing, resilience, radiance, authenticity and abundance in all forms with a legacy of massive generosity... These are all outcomes which are a byproduct of living powerfully. 

We'd love to invite you into our world, if you would love to walk this journey with us too!



The act of using the natural materials of the earth in conjunction with one's own innate power, to intentionally conjure a state of being that facilitates, transmutes, magnetises & actualizes the conscious materialization of one's desires.


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Now that you are all signed up... Let's set you up with a 30 min Wellbeing & Lifestyle info session so we can start you up with two very well oiled up feet ;D . You're PDF goodies & community link to join our Private FB Group will be there too...