Welcome to your online community portal where you’ll learn & master your craft as a Manifestation Alchemist.


Soul - Heart - Mind & Embodiment are our transformational points of focus that make up the Manifestation Alchemy Methodology & practices for mastering the art of actualizing our desires into this physical reality. 

Here we will nurture & strengthen your natural abilities/ authentic gifts/ inner power with both the inner practices & physical action based tools of this reality to manifest & experience your desires as a conscious co-creator in your life in this universe.




The act of using the natural materials of the earth in conjunction with one's own innate power, to intentionally conjure a state of being that facilitates, transmutes, magnetises & actualizes the conscious materialization of one's desires.




We apply the practice of Manifestation Alchemy to mastering the many inter-connected AREAS of our lives; such topics we apply the M.A. practices to are:

Purpose Discovery & Authentic Core Values Alchemy  •  Relationship & Family Alchemy  •  Mind-body Health & Wellbeing Alchemy  •  Business & Leadership Alchemy  •  Abundance & Wealth Building Alchemy

The magic of Manifestation Alchemy, applied to these areas of life, allows us to clear any self limiting beliefs, stagnated blockages, unhelpful or toxic patterns, dynamics of self sabotage & unhelpful social conditioning hidden unconsciously in the recesses of our subconscious minds & bodies. We deliberately practice releasing & integrating as a form of self-love & care through doing this work… This in turn, allows us to awaken, enhance our inner gifts, powers of intuition & amplifies our ability to magnetise & co-create transformation that results in the physical manifestation (actualisation) of our desires as a natural by product of doing this work.

This is the power we have access to when we release our relationship to how unconscious resistance has been serving us, so we can expand into growth, flow with the universe & use our powers of conscious creation.


Underlying the specific order in the art of Manifestation Alchemy, lies the “healing & enhancing" practices that reveal & deepen our authenticity, high vibe sense of self worth & innate beliefs of deservingness. These self-care practices expand you into your next up-level of the purposefully expressed life that you love.


Purpose Discovery & Authentic Core Values:  Uncover your sense of self-appreciation as part of source consciousness & express that through discovering your authenticity. Awaken to an underlying hidden order of your life & gifts. Sense the universal intelligence of life, wisdoms, evolving truth, love & live in a state of appreciation. Experience alignment clarity & spontaneous inspired action.

Relationships & Family: Deepen your ability to create meaningful relationships. Function from a stronger understanding of respect, love & ability to release conflict & enhance better communication through your authentic self-expression. Hone your intuition & manage your energy so you can both receive & give in meaningful ways that maintain your boundaries, wellbeing & sense of unity. (& of course, learn the Manifestation  Alchemy for calling in the kind up relationships you desire). 

Mind-body Health & Wellbeing: Understand the mind body connection, learn to intuitively understand the messages of your body. Up level your ability to manage stress & any emotionally charges tensions in the body. Experience a more natural inclination to release old unhelpful habits & upgrade to lifestyle practices that benefit your natural ability to create health, wellbeing & vitality.

Business & Leadership: Clarify your purposeful mission & vision through doing what you love. Feel inspired from within through a deeper understanding of your sense of contribution. Find your natural style of authentic leadership as a women & be seen. 

Abundance & Wealth Building: Increase your relationship to greater levels of self worth & deservingness. Understand the opening to portals for different forms of abundance to find you. Dissolve subconscious apprehensions & unhelpful beliefs systems that sabotage wealth building.


**These are just SOME of the benefits of learning to practice the art of Manifestation Alchemy when applied to your life.



Our formula for Manifestation Alchemy is based on our own personal practices, years of coaching clients, our own development of our strengths & gifts, as well as our combined years of continual studies stemming from:

• Mind-body wellbeing (psychosomatology, yoga/movement, nutrition, Essential Oils etc)

• Coaching psychology & Human Behaviour, Neuroscience & Mindfulness

• The study of Universal Law

… & the list continues to grow all the time in our explorations & understanding for the best tools, resources & transformational practices.



Empower every area of your life as we rotate through the topics being covered from month to month.

Here we’ll be focusing on trainings, practices & rituals that focus on releasing any inner resistance in opposition to having your desires manifest.

The more you do the work, the more powerful, empowered & magnetic you become.

We apply our Soul, Heart, Mind, Embodiment Manifestation Alchemy Methodology into a conscious daily non-physical (mindset coaching) & physical practices that you can follow along with, resulting in the transformation you’ve been trying to create or call in.



To get the most out of this transformation work, the best coaching model is to provide Manifestation Alchemy Participants with an accessible monthly subscription based membership.

This ensures adequate training & understanding, enough time to embody your practice, provide support, guidance & feedback in our online community group, ensures neurological rewiring & embodiment of the work & practices you do that will transform your life into the best manifestation upgrade version you can align with.

Your monthly commitment to mastering the art of Manifestation Alchemy will leave you with convenient self-care guidance, tools, trainings, & resources that will deepen your confidence for manifesting everything you desire.

You’ll have the opportunity to subscribe to a 6 month or 1 year commitment to the growing liberty of transformational trainings & practices.

Online trainings / Q&A sessions will happen twice every month so you can connect, have your questions answered as you dive into your daily, weekly & monthly practices.
These will be uploaded to the members area for you to access & listen to the recordings any time you want.


Subscribe below to ensure you gain entry to the early bird launch release rates as our founding online group subscription members! (Early bird seats will start from as little as $25 p/month)



We are excited to launch this April 2019!

Are you ready to learn the art of  Manifestation Alchemy & up level the quality of your life?


What are you excited about creating & calling into your reality?


Frequently Asked Questions:

Please note that membership launch special costs will start at $25. Updates in more detail will be released in April 2019.

We will be notifying those who are signed up to the Early Bird Founders Launch list here first!
Please submit your contact form above so that you can be notified as soon as we launch.

You will have access to the online content/trainings, resources, community Facebook Group & monthly live calls for as long as you are subscribed as a member of Manifestation Alchemy.
This ensures that everyone is mindful of doing the transformational work during the allocated time period.

One is always welcome to continue their subscription as new content & trainings will continuously be added to the membership library.

With the exception of a few PDF worksheets & resources we will freely give away, the rest of our content will not be downloadable because of the nature of a subscription based online service & for the sake of protecting our life's creative work & intellectual property.

Thank you for respecting & supporting our work... we know that you'll benefit tremendously by this transformational work.

There is no trial option. During the launch run, participants must be committed to exploring & empowering each area of life topic we will revolve through for the first 6 months.


No. With a 6 month membership, you are committed to that full time period from your purchase date. No refunds or exceptions will be made. All sales are final because of the nature of online digital services.  

No, not at all... The Manifestation Alchemy monthly membership is our independent personal development coaching service of the work we love to create & offer.

We will however offer up resources & recommendations we personally use & love to support & aid mind, body & soul transformation. 

If you'd love to reap the multidimentional benefits that dĹŤTERRA's Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade™ Essential Oils have to offer, please visit the "Essential Oils" page to find out more.

If you have other Launch or Membership questions, please fill out the form above & type in your personal note in the space provided. We will get back to you ASAP!


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